Small Tribal tattoo design

The traditional way of searching tattoo ideas is by visiting a tattoo parlor or by reading some magazines. However, because of the advance technology, tattoo images can be also found online. Instead of wasting your time falling in line next to another customer in the tattoo parlor, it could be better if you browse online galleries. Here you can find a wide array of dragon tattoo designs. You can also decide to modify designs to get a unique outcome.
Small Tribal tattoo design

Being the fan of thrillers that I am, I don't know why I kept putting off reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson. It has spent week after week on the New York Times Bestseller List, mostly at number one. Last week I finished reading it and I'm glad that I did.


Small tattoo idea
Small tattoo idea

As a person who wants to get inked with a dragon design, it is important to determine that exact layout. It doesn't matter how you appreciate dragons in your life. What's more important in getting a tattoo is the willingness. Obviously, you have to know whether you're really interested of not. Rushing your decision might result to regrets in the future. And no matter what you do, you will not have the chance to remove or change it. It will remain for a lifetime.

Tribal dragon tattoos

Among dragon tattoo designs, tribal tattoos are the most appealing ones. These designs are usually inked on the shoulders of both men and women. As the head of the family, dragons represent protection or guidance. Aside from shoulders, they can also be placed in other parts of the body including back, chest, upper arms and lower back.


dragons Tattoos japan
dragons Tattoos japan

How do people appreciate dragons?

Western individuals have different appreciations to dragons. According to them, these creatures are powerful evil that can destroy a whole city by breathing fire on it. Western culture also portrayed dragons as representation of death and destruction. Though, there are negative cites mentioned about dragons, still everyone loves them.


A good Dragon Tattoo ide
A good Dragon Tattoo ide

As time passed, dragon tattoo designs have increasingly popular to all tattoo enthusiasts. As a form of art, dragons have different faces to show in this world. In Asia, dragons are characters that are always linked with supernatural powers, wisdom and bravery. Often, Chinese and japans people believed that dragon is the one that gives protection and luck to a person.


The Dragon tattoo design
The Dragon tattoo design

Dragons have been featured in several movies. These are huge serpentine creatures that usually breathe fire. In the past, dragons were been a part of several cultures. Do dragons really exist in this world? Myth will always remain myth. No one has seen or witnessed dragons in real life. However, they have been a huge part of human's life. Aside from movies, dragons can be found in tattoo parlors through dragon tattoo designs.


Full color dragon tattoo design
What about other occasions? Do you have any events that will require you to dress up, say, for a wedding? Would a dragon tattoo mar how you want to look that day? Does your fairy tale wedding dress include a dragon tattoo showing on your arm? If you do not think it would bother you, then you can start looking for a place to get the work done.

Full color dragon tattoo design

What I liked about her is that she lives "fall down seven times get up eight," so she teaches us how to persevere. She has a singular focus which is good in some situations and deadly in others. When she needs to learn something new, she sticks with it until she attains mastery. She often likes to go it alone and has her own moral code, which we all should have, but her moral code is often very different from most other people. She also hasn't learned the lesson that we all need a support network, and does most things by herself. I can understand her going it alone because she has been terribly hurt many times in her young life.


The Japanese Dragon-Tattoos

Do not rush into tattoos. Give thought to how they affect your future. If you aspire to do office or business work, will you have a tougher time succeeding due to a visible dragon tattoo? Often business courses instruct pupils never to have any tattoos showing. This is because there is a social stigma on people with tattoos. They may not be hired due to that, even if they are perfectly qualified.
The Japanese Dragon-Tattoos

I am an active reader, so when I read fiction I become involved in the story, which isn't always a good thing. I found myself having a love-hate relationship with Lisbeth Salander, one of the key characters. Lisbeth has a photographic memory and is an A-List hacker. She loves to be in control and doesn't want to be controlled so she hacks into people's computer to know what they are up to, and she often acts on what she finds out.


The Master Dragon tattoo

The colors of the dragon design should also be carefully selected. If you get lighter colors, they will fade and blend in with your skin tone. This can ruin a dragon tattoo if it is not regularly freshened up with new ink. If you opt to get your whites, pinks, and yellows redone every six months or so, you can find yourself with a hefty maintenance bill. Darker colors fade, too, but they will show up better for far longer.
The Master Dragon tattoo

Now having said that, I enjoyed both The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played With Fire. They are filled with events that are commonplace on the news today: Deception, manipulation, murder, incest, greed, infidelity, corporate misbehavior, ethical dilemmas, abuse of power, vigilante behaviour, bullying, you name it, you will find it in the books. The characters are well developed and believable.


2010 New Dragon-tattoos
2010 New Dragon-tattoos

I am doing something a little different with this book review. First, it's two reviews in one, the first two parts of a trilogy by Stieg Larsson: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played With Fire. Second, I am focusing on the lessons that we can learn from these books because it's true that art does imitate life.

I don't like hype, and any book that too many people are talking about I try to avoid them, but for some reason I relented and read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. At 841 pages this is not a short book. Over the Internet many were saying that this was a book that they could not put down, but I did when I had things to do. There are other books that I have read that I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. because I just had to know how it ended. For me, this wasn't any of those books. The Girl Who Played With Fire weighed in at 724 pages, not that much shorter.
2010 New Dragon-tattoos

As with anything that will last forever, you should be cautious when you pick it out. This is especially true for dragon tattoo designs. First time tattooers may not realize the complications they will face if they do not think about their tattoo well enough ahead of time. Draw it out yourself on the part of skin you are thinking of designing. Use pen or marker so it will last a few days. If you do not get sick of it then that is the first step.


Cool Dragon-Tattoos.jpg

I also had a for-against relationship with Mikael Blomkvist another lead character. I like that he is loyal to his friends and will fight for them if they were victimized or wrongfully accused, and is someone that I'd like to have in my support network. He will fight for what he believes in. I dislike his womanizing ways, but that is a reality of life, and also the best characters are those who have vices. Who wants to read a book filled with Mr. and Mrs. Goodie-Two-Shoes.
Cool Dragon-Tattoos

Cool Dragon-Tattoos.jpg

Make sure when you consult the artist he or she gives you a price--preferably in writing. Some jobs can take hours. Artists who take longer get paid more. Get your price up front before you are under the needle and find your dragon tattoo design only half finished when you have exceeded your price range.

Pick a place that has excellent reviews and a good sanitary record. Ask around and do your research. You will find a big division between good places and bad. Look at examples of the artist's work. Perhaps you will not like his or her style of dragon tattoo designs.


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